Hello and thanks for reading! As I expand my brand to include my work as
"THE VOCAL COSMETOLOGIST," (see videos here)
I am reaching out to you for a special cause.

As a business owner in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle, WA I have experienced firsthand the movement in Seattle for Black Lives Matter when the epicenter of the movement focused on an area nearby my salon's location. I will support efforts for police accountability and racial justice for the BIPOC community. It is necessary work and I challenge myself and my community to push to continue this overdue national reckoning.
To that end, I am imploring you to commit & participate alongside me in this
CALL TO ACTION! (continue reading after the video....)
I proactively align with efforts of Black Lives Matter Seattle-King County and the Black Lives Matter Alliance of Washington. We can not sit idly by and tolerate the horrendous human rights offenses by Seattle Police in addition to all police across the state of Washington. Recently, Charleena Lyle's family appealed a decision and won to be able to sue Seattle Police department in civil litigation to hold them accountable for the wrongful death & murder of this BIPOC mother in crisis. (See Article)
I will continuously & passionately support local and national efforts with my dollars, voice and action to support the END of police brutality to anyone deemed "other." First Amendment speech is not equally protected and it starts with how local law enforcement interacts with the public. Too many deaths and too many lives have been irreparably altered or ended for what? For only white people to feel safe? For only cisgendered to feel safe? For only straight people to feel safe? Human rights means EVERYONE's rights- even those we disagree with or "do not like." I use my voice because violence is almost never an answer. We must all honor every human soul with dignity and respect.
Time is OF THE ESSENCE in Olympia:
Ban Violent Police Tactics | HB 1054 Read the bill. Watch Alliance testimony.
Empower the Attorney General to File Charges or Excessive Police Force | HB 1507 Read the bill.
Mandate Statewide Independent Police Investigations | HB 1267 Read the bill.
Make Deadly Force Last Resort or Police | HB 1310 Read the bill. Watch the Alliance’s testimony.
Sue for Police Misconduct | HB 1202 Read the bill.
Require Community Oversight Boards for Police | HB 1203 Read the bill. Watch Alliance testimony.
Decertify Police Officers for Use of Excessive Force | SB 5051 Read the bill. Watch Alliance testimony.
Thanks so very much and know that legislative advocacy
is part of my brand- I do it for my industry.
I do it for YOU. I do it for Our LOVED ONES. I do it for ME.
So .... Please JOIN ME in continued action for all in our community.
Love and light,
"The Vocal Cosmetologist"
D'Arcy Harrison